You’re changing the world.
We can help.
Get started with Ad Grants by following these steps.
Apply for Google for Nonprofits
Once we've verified your organisation's eligibility, you'll be able to activate Google Ad Grants. Your organisation must hold valid charity status in your country. See eligibility requirements and apply for Google for Nonprofits.
Watch this step-by-step video to understand the application process end to end.
Activate Ad Grants
You will need to use the same login email for your Google for Nonprofits and Ad Grants accounts.
Sign in to Google for Nonprofits, click 'Activate products', then 'Get started' under Google Ad Grants, complete the required information and click 'Activate' to submit your organisation for review.
Launch a successful Ad Grants campaign
Once your activation request has been approved and you’ve accepted the email invitation to your Ad Grants account, you can begin setting up your first campaign!
Head to our step-by-step video series to plan, build and launch your first digital marketing campaign with Google Ad Grants.
Learn how Thrive DC uses Ad Grants to fundraise online.